
Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy


  • The Antonine International School assessment policy was drafted in 2012, revised in 2014, 2018, and 2023 by the school’s pedagogical council. The policy includes the description of assessment, evaluation and reporting.  The purpose of this policy is to establish ground rules and recommendations for assessment, evaluation and reporting within all programs including IB.

    1. 1. Philosophy of Assessment:

      At Antonine International School we believe that assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process, serving as a means to enhance student growth, inform instruction and revisit curriculum. Our assessment practices are grounded in the principles of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, supplemented with considerations that align with the unique needs and requirements of our school community and national standards.

      2. Purposes of Assessment

                Assessment at AIS serves the following key purposes:

    • 2.1.Supporting learning:
    • Assessment informs teaching and guides instructional planning by providing valuable feedback to students and teachers.
    • Assessment empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey allowing them to learn from their mistakes and to perceive failing as an attempt in trying that motivates them to move forward.
    • 2.2.Measuring attainment and progress:
      • Assessment measures the extent to which students have progressed over the course of time.
      • Assessment allows teachers to measure whether or not learning objectives are met.
      • Assessment ensures the validity and reliability of our educational programs.
    • 2.3.Building life-long learning skills:

      Assessment promotes critical thinking, problem solving and time management skills.

    • 2.4.Promoting equity: Assessment is conducted in a fair and unbiased manner, allowing every student the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and skills, regardless of their background or abilities.

      3. Indicators of Effective Assessment

    1.  Effective assessment practices at AIS are characterized by:
      • 3.1.Alignment: Assessments are aligned with curriculum objectives, learning outcomes, national standards, Aefe standards and IB standards.
      • 3.2.Originality: Assessment tasks mirror real-world challenges and encourage critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
      • 3.3.Differentiation: Assessment practices accommodate diverse learning styles and needs, ensuring that every student has an equitable opportunity to succeed.
      • 3.4.Timely Feedback: Students receive timely and constructive feedback on their performance, enabling them to identify areas for improvement.
      • 3.5.Transparency: Assessment criteria, rubrics and expectations are clearly communicated to students and parents prior to any form of assessment.
      • 3.6.Reflection: Assessment leads to meaningful student involvement in self-assessment and goal setting serving as a means of continuous reflection.
  • 4.      Assessment Types:
    • 4.1.Placement Tests:

      Assessment administered to all new students enrolling at AIS. The assessment helps place students in the appropriate grade level and identify areas of improvement. –

      Assessment used as a benchmark to identify learning challenges at the students’ level. Diagnostic tests also help in revisiting the yearly plans, unit plans and in modifying the teacher’s pace. 

    • 4.3.Formative Assessment:

      Formative assessment is an ongoing process integral to teaching and learning at AIS. Teachers are expected to:

    • Placements tests are administered twice a year: last week of June and first week of September.
    • Placement tests are assigned based on grade level and academic program the child intends to enroll in.
    • 4.2.Diagnostic assessments:
    • Utilize various formative assessment strategies, such as observations, anecdotal records, quizzes, discussions, lab reports, homework, peer assessments, self-assessments, polls and surveys to gauge student progress.
    • Provide timely feedback to students to guide their learning journey.
    • Encourage students to reflect on their own progress and set goals for improvement.
    • 4.4.Summative Assessment:

    Summative assessments are conducted at the end of units or courses to measure student achievement; it is comprehensive in nature. Teachers are expected to:

    • Develop valid and reliable summative assessments aligned with learning objectives and IB standards and past papers of national and international exams.
    • Ensure that assessment tasks are clear, unbiased, and appropriate to the subject.
    • Provide comprehensive grading/marking that reflects students' understanding and skills.
    • Maintain accurate records of student assessment results.
    1. 5. External Assessment
    2. AIS students sit for national and international external exams at the following stages in their educational journey.
      • 5.1.In the Middle School: Students enrolled in the Lebanese Program sit for the Lebanese Brevet Exam
      • 5.2.In the Secondary School:
        • 5.2.1.Students enrolled in the Lebanese Program sit for the Lebanese Baccalaureate Official Exam
        • 5.2.2.Students enrolled in the French Program sit for the French Baccalaureate Official Exams
        • 5.2.3.Students enrolled in the Diploma Program sit for the International Baccalaureate Official Exams
    3. 6. Recording and Reporting

      AIS maintains a transparent and efficient system for recording and reporting assessment results. This includes:

      • 6.1.Timely and accurate recording of assessment scores.
        • 6.1.1.Feedback on formative assessment should be prompt, no longer than one working day.
        • 6.1.2.Feedback on formative assessment should be submitted within three working days.
        • 6.1.3.All written feedback is reviewed by coordinators and heads of department.
        • 6.1.4.All teachers complete a summary of assessment after every summative evaluation to reflect on the acquisition of learning objectives.
      • 6.2.Providing transparent communication about the student progress.
        • 6.2.1.Repost cards are electronically published 4 times a year.
        • 6.2.2.E1 or mid year exam report card and E2 End of year exam report cards include detailed comments about students’ strength and weaknesses.
      • 6.3.Keeping parents and students informed about assessment practices and schedules.
        • 6.3.1.In AIS, all heads of departments offer informational sessions for parents to explain assessment practices, grading criteria, and educational objectives.
        • 6.3.2.All test schedules are published on the school App a minimum of two weeks ahead of time along with revision sheets when required.
      • 6.4.Keeping parents and students informed about results and progress.
        • 6.4.1.In AIS we firmly believe that a child's educational journey is a collaborative effort between the school and parents.
        • 6.4.2.Parent teacher conference (PTC) are held twice every year.
        • 6.4.3.During PTCs parents and teachers discuss child’s skills, learning habits, progress, academic strength and weakness, set realistic goals and discuss means of remediation.

    1. 7. Grading
      • 7.1.The grading scale for Antonine International School for both English and French section in all its elementary, middle and secondary departments is as follows:

    90%-100%= A

    80%- 89% = B

    70%- 79% = C

    60%- 69% = D

    Below 60%= F

    Grade input is linked to Mobile APP and accessible to parents and students alike.

    • 7.2.The IB Grading System

    The DP classes use subject specific IB criteria to indicate levels of achievement. At the end of each term, students receive a summative grade based on IB 1 (low)- 7 (high) grading scale.




    Minimalachievement in terms of the objectives.


    Very limitedachievement against all the objectives. The student has difficulty in understanding the required knowledge and skills and isunableto apply them fully in normal situations,even with support.


    Limitedachievement against most of the objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student demonstrates alimited understandingof the required knowledge and skills and isonly able to applythem fully in normal situationswith support.


    Agood general understandingof the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively innormalsituations. There isoccasionalevidence of the skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.


    Aconsistent and thorough understandingof the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in avarietyof situations. The studentgenerallyshows evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate andoccasionallydemonstrates originality and insight.


    A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in awide varietyof situations.Consistentevidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown where appropriate. The studentgenerallydemonstrates originality and insight.


    A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply themalmost faultlesslyin a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown where appropriate. The studentconsistentlydemonstrates originality and insight andalwaysproduceswork of high quality.

    1. IB Core Matrix


  • 8.      Promotion Criteria at Antonine International School

    Promotion to the next grade at the end of the academic year is determined during class council meetings. This council convenes under the leadership of the father director and includes the head of department, class teachers, and a member of the Inclusive Center. Decisions taken by this Council are final and cannot be reviewed.


    Any well-justified appeal related to the Council's decisions can be submitted to the Father director, who may amend the Board's decisions in consultation with the department head.

    • 8.1.Promotion in Kindergarten Regularly, all students progress through this stage. In the event that a student encounters academic or other difficulties, the kindergarten teachers’ council will review their case and make the most appropriate decision for their growth and future.
    • 8.2.Promotion in Elementary School This stage encompasses grades from the first to the sixth. The overall grade required for promotion is 12/20 on the core subjects: English, Math, Sciences and Arabic.

      Any student who achieves an average between 11 and 12/20 may be promoted if they receive a positive evaluation from their teachers and the department head. The students’ progress during the year is the primary consideration.

      A student who receives an average of less than 11/20 may repeat their class if or seek education at another school.

    • 8.3.Promotion in the Intermediate School This stage includes grades 7 through grade 9. The overall average required for promotion is 12/20, excluding the average of non-core subjects. Students who earn less than 11/20 may either be dismissed from school or allowed to repeat their class once if they hold a positive disciplinary record.
    • 8.4.Promotion in the Secondary School The overall average required for advancement to the Lebanese program, French Baccalaureate Program and the American Program is 12/20 in core subjects. Students who do not achieve the required average will be subject to the same procedures as those in the intermediate cycle.
    • For admission to the General Science class, students must obtain a minimum of a 13/20 average in both mathematics and physics.
    • For admission to the Life Sciences class, students must obtain a minimum of a 12/20 average in both mathematics and biology.
    • For admission to the Sociology and Economy class, students must obtain a minimum of a 12/20 average in both Sociology and economy.
    • Admission to IB DP classes is detailed on the IB DP admission Policy.

     9.      Conditions to Obtaining an IB Diploma

    Diploma requirements


    3 SL and 3 HL subjects

    • Minimum score of 24 points
    • Minimum of 12 points earned on HL subjects
    • Minimum of 9 points earned on SL subjects
    • 1 is a failing condition
    • There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (SL or HL).
    • There are no more than three grade 3s or below awarded (SL or HL).

    Theory of Knowledge

    • Prescribed essay and an oral presentation
    • Grades earned A (highest) to E (Lowest)

    Extended Essay

    • 4000-word research paper
    • Grades earned A (highest) to E (Lowest)

    Creativity, Activity, Service

    • Engage in and write reflections about creative activities, physical activities, and service projects

    Internal Assessment

    • Finish and submit all internally prescribed assessment for moderation

    Academic integrity

    • The final award committee has not given the student a penalty for academic misconduct.

  • 10.      IB Predicted Grades and University Predicted Grades

    It is essential to understand and differentiate between the University Predicted Grade and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Predicted Grades. It is important for students and their parents to recognize the distinction between these two predictions.

    1.  10.1 University Predicted Grade

      The University Predicted Grade is a projection made by teachers based on a student's academic performance, coursework, and other relevant factors within the schools’ specific academic context.

      Here are some common factors that teachers should consider while providing university predicted grades:

    • Academic Performance: Teachers should assess the student's academic achievements throughout the course, including their grades, test scores, and overall understanding of the subject matter.
    • Consistency: Teachers should evaluate whether the student's performance has been consistent over time or if there have been significant fluctuations in their grades and engagement.
    • Coursework and Assignments: The quality of the student's coursework, internal assessments, and projects should be considered, as it reflects their understanding of the material and their ability to apply knowledge.
    • Class Participation: Active participation in class discussions, engagement in group activities, and asking questions can demonstrate a student's interest in the subject and their ability to collaborate with peers.
    • Work Ethic: Teachers should assess the student's work ethic, including their punctuality, attendance, effort, and willingness to seek help or clarification when needed.
    • Summative Assessments: Teachers should consider the results of exams and summative assessments that are part of the curriculum.

      It's crucial for teachers to approach the task of predicting grades with objectivity, fairness, and a focus on the individual strengths and weaknesses of each student.

      Most of the time, University predicted grades, although data driven, are aspirational but achievable – stretching predicted grades can be motivational for students and gives them high chances in early admissions and scholarships. 

       On the other hand, IB Predicted Grades are very objective in nature and strictly based on assessment. “The predicted grade is the teacher’s prediction of the grade the candidate is expected to achieve in the subject, based on all the evidence of the candidate’s work and the teacher’s knowledge of IB standards.”

      Students are fully graded based on two factors:

      “Predicted grades are required for all subjects, including TOK and the EE. It is important that each prediction is made as accurately as possible, without under-predicting or over-predicting the grade.” “IB Student Assessment.”

      Teachers predicting grades should use the following scales.

    • 10.2 IB Predicted Grades
    • all the evidence of the candidate’s work: IAs, IOs, exploration and summative exams
    • the knowledge of teachers of IB standards
    • Grades are awarded to candidates in each subject on a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest grade.
    • For TOK and the EE, the grades are on a scale of A to E, with A being the highest grade.

    10.3 Scope of Application:

    University Predicted Grade: The University Predicted Grade is primarily used by universities or colleges for admission purposes. It helps universities assess a student's potential to succeed in their specific academic programs or courses.

    IB Predicted Grade: The IB Predicted Grade is strictly used by the International Baccalaureate organization as an essential component of a student's final IB Diploma results. In case of emergencies and natural disasters, IBO might use the students’ predicted grades in case of non-examination route.

  •  11.      Accommodations to Assessment

    Any AIS student following an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or has submitted a formal assessment with recommendations is entitled to modifications of assessment.

    Details about possible accommodations and modifications on school assessment or IB DP external exams are detailed on the Antonine International School Inclusion Policy

    12. Academic Integrity and Assessment

    In AIS, we are committed to fostering an environment of academic integrity, where education is guided by honesty, responsibility, and fairness. All details pertaining to academic Integrity are comprehensively discussed in the AIS Academic Integrity Policy.

    Academic honesty remains an unnegotiable core value that defines and cultivates our educational mission.  It is an expectation that all students, faculty, and staff, parents and administrators adhere to the highest ethical standards and fully to commit to our Academic Integrity Policy and procedures.

    13. Review and Evaluation:

    This Assessment Policy is reviewed periodically to ensure its alignment with the evolving needs of our school community and any changes in IB requirements.

    Policy implementation, adjustments and revisions is overseen by the Heads of departments, the pedagogical council, the DP Coordinator and supported by feedback collected from a focus group of students, parents, teachers, and administration.

    The assessment policy will continue to be reviewed annually to ensure the document reflects current standards and practices.