
Educational Spirit

  • Educational Spirit

    Since its foundation in the eighteenth century, the school of the Antonine Order was distinguished by its apostolic dimension, applying itself to introduce God, the absolute truth, so as to love Him, let His will be done, and adore Him in the truth. This education goes on today with the same enthusiasm and in a more conscious way: it is translated through specialized catechism and animated celebrations. This spiritual rebirth is witnessed by the magazines published by the research center, which are welcomed by children and youngsters who find in Alleluia a religious culture and in Hayatouna El Chabab (Our life as youngsters) a moral orientation whose benefits have been felt by all schools in Lebanon and the East.


    A Faith-Based

    If the Christian life spirit is the characteristic of the Antonine School education, in a hostile environment, or in an environment living according to its traditions and customs, this does not exclude the fact that the Order’s Schools, wherever located, make sure that their students are taught to respect all other religions and encourage them to deepen any religion, to converse about its main themes, leaving everyone the freedom to practice the religion of his choice.

  • A morally characterized education:

    Applying the principle of life and education concomitance, the Order’s schools, despite their religious firm roots, apply themselves to instill into their students the practice of the detachment virtues, the love of service, fraternal life, respect and family values as well as attachment to these values. They teach them in particular to love the land, to share its harvest with others, to nurture their conscientious and sensible respect of the body, the use of its vital functions with responsible chastity and solid liberty. This educational school has succeeded, thanks to God. It has proven to be efficient in the fulfillment of a spiritual mission. It has become a land fertile with religious and sacerdotal vocations. The book is not the only pedagogical means adopted, nor is teaching the essential reference for strengthening these values; the educational and administrative staff in our schools play a strong role in the education process. This staff is invited to give evidence of the Christian and human values, as if the word influences, the example edifies, especially growing generations.

  • A Civic and Patriotic
    Education in the
    Public Good Service

    The best in school programs is the student’s civic education and the fact of making him realize the importance of the civilization marking his country, the nobility of the mission which distinguishes him:
    “ your country is more than a state, it is a message”.

    In fact Lebanon’s vocation is: opening up to all civilizations, acknowledging plurality, respect of the other in conviviality, dignity of the human being and right to difference. The mission for which monks
    Of this Order’s Educational Spirit, the Antonines kept the ineluctable values in their educational mission: Faith in God, Love of the Land, Living in a Global Community, Responsibility and Individuality (discover the learner as a particular entity.) “The dedicated persons will carefully ensure to protect the person’s priority in their educational project. Each student should be considered in his/her individuality, while taking into account his/her family background, personal history, qualities and interests." (cf. " People dedicated and their mission in the school" n.61)
    are working hard aims at constructing a pluralistic society on a defined land, where peace, justice and freedom of religion prevail. Furthermore, the Antonine school is based on the love of the land which it develops in the student, on belonging and love of rooting in the land of his ancestors. It is not at all surprising that Antonines, as history shows, have consecrated their life, after prayer and adoration, to working the land and making it bear fruit; this has allowed them to spread in all regions of Lebanon. It is evident the land work eases the development of intellectual capacities. Besides, the Antonine school is opened to all students, without distinction of religion or social belonging.

    The characteristics of the Antonine education founded on faith, morality and patriotism remain the realization of the unselfishness spirit, the image of free sacrifice that mark our vocation of educating growing generations. Our concern in our school establishments, is to help growing generations to acquire, by the grace of God, faith, love of the human being and respect of his rights, love of freedom, justice, love of homeland and work in order for universal fraternity to reign: this is the civilization of love. “The education of the young, whatever is their social background, must aim to train not only cultured persons but also committed believers and faithful citizens.” (Statutes of the O.A.M. art 100)